
Pre-order for The Death of Dulgath by Michael J. Sullivan

Created by Michael J. Sullivan

Michael J. Sullivan's unlikely heroes, Royce and Hadrian, return in a classic fantasy for both Riyria veterans and first-time readers.

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Two new stretch goals and additional critical critques
about 9 years ago – Tue, Jun 09, 2015 at 02:38:30 PM

I'm able to edit the project now, so I've added some additional stretch goals.  These include:

  • Goal #2: $35,000 - Another poster by famed artist Marc Simonetti.  This one depicts Castle Dulgath, the setting for the new story. It's an old run-down monarchy on the banks of sea. When you add posters as an add-on you'll be able to specify which one you wish and if you want both posters it only $4 more.  These posters are a full 3' x 2' which are suitable for framing. You can see part of mine over my shoulder in the video.

If you want to watch Marc create this masterpiece - you can! He did a "live stream" as he worked on the image and you see it here.  This is 1 and a half minute version of the hours upon hours that it took Marc to create the image.

There is a longer version (24 minutes) that can be found on Viemo:

  • Goal #3: 900 Backers - This goal isn't tied to pledges, it's based on backers. Why 900?  Well because Hollow World had 861 people behind it and I want to make this one even more successful than that. We've already surpassed it in dollars raised (Hollow World is now the 21st most funded project and The Death of Dugath is current #18.  In any case,  if we reach 900 backers I'll be giving away 5 audio book download codes.  I did a number of these "raffle" type awards for Hollow World and they worked out really well.  Instead of having a really cool perk (like a Tuckerization) going to the highest bidder, I'll draw winners from the backer pool as a whole. For each $ you've backed you have one entry in the contest. In this way, everyone has a chance to win, but those who have contributed generously have slightly better odds.
  • 10 more CRITICAL CRITIQUE spots - One last thing I'd like to point out is I've doubled the number of CRITICAL CRITIQUE pledges. Here's why.  There were more than 800 people who asked for early notification of the Kickstarter, and even though they knew the project was about to launch, the  CRITICAL CRITIQUE's  went too quickly for people to grab them. In fact, they were all gone within the first 7 hours.  So, I added 10 more, and notified them via email bout the new slots.  As such, another 3 were sold to people who missed their opportunity to get them.  Doing these critiques takes a lot of time, and I would prefer to keep the number low.  But I will leave the window open for another day or two in case anyone else missed out on the first 7 hours.  If you've already pledged, that's not a problem, you can go in, change your pledge amount and chose the CRITICAL CRITIQUE  level. This will get you the critique and the ebook. If you want to get a printed copy - then just do so as an add-on.  If there are unsold CRITICAL CRITIQUE's by midnight (EST) Thursday, I'll be reabsorbing them by returning that pledge to sold out status. So, if you do want the critiques, the window of opportunity will be relatively small.

Well, that's all I can think of for now.  Thanks again for the generous support and let's see if we can reach these stretch goals!!

You've given to me, now I'm going to give to you!
about 9 years ago – Mon, Jun 08, 2015 at 12:41:38 AM

As I write this, we are only a few hundred from our first stretch goal. I need to put up a second one, but there is a problem with editing the project at the moment. In the meantime, I want to give something back to you all for being so great with your support. If you've not heard Tim Gerard Reynolds narrating a Royce and Hadrian tale, well here's your chances as "Professional Integrity" is now live on Audible and it is absolutely FREE!

One of the genre's favorite pairs returns in a classic fantasy short for both Riyria veterans and first-time readers. Several years have passed since the war-weary mercenary Hadrian and cynical ex-assassin Royce joined forces to start their thieves-for-hire organization better known as Riyria. Things have gone well enough for the team as they do "jobs" for various nobles throughout Elan. Usually that means stealing something, but when a young heiress asks them to steal her…well, that's a first for the pair. All is not as it seems, but Royce is determined to get the bottom of what's actually going on. After all, he has his professional integrity at stake.

Originally released in the Blackguards anthology published by Ragnarok Publications, this is a standalone short story of 10,800 words. No prior knowledge of The Riyria Revelations or The Riyria Chronicles is required to enjoy it to its fullest, making this a perfect introduction for new readers or a chance for existing fans to spend a little more time with old friends.


I hope you enjoy it!  Oh, and if you do, please leave a rating or a review.  Heck, even if you don't, leave a rating or review - it really helps others give the story a try!

You got The Death of Dulgath Noticed by the Kickstarter Staff
about 9 years ago – Sun, Jun 07, 2015 at 08:21:14 AM

ALL OF YOU ARE SO AMAZING! Do you know what you did? Not only have you raised almost $30,000 in three days, but you also caught the eye of the Kickstarter staff and won the coveted Staff Pick validation. We've also moved from the 33rd most funded project to the 28th most funded! I can't thank you enough!  We are closing in on our first stretch goal...and going to move Hollow World down a peg, which I don't regret in the least. I have more stretch goals ready to post, but I'm having technical difficulties updating the main page. A ticket has been submitted, and as soon as Kickstarter Support gets it addressed I'll let you know what's next because I think we are going to hit this one soon as well ;-)

Also, for those who are submitting to the short story contest, submissions are open. You can learn full details here.

I expect great things yet to come for this project, and it is all made possible by your generous support and you telling others to join the party. Let's keep going.

And we are funded!! (In just a hair less than two days!
about 9 years ago – Sat, Jun 06, 2015 at 09:01:38 AM

Well, what can I guys are the most amazing backers ever!  I truly thought it would take pretty much the whole Kickstarter to fund, but you did it in 47 hours and 26 minutes!

Guess I'll have to get going on the stretch goals ;-)

We are already on our way to becoming one of the most successful Kickstarter projects ever.  How cool is that?  Here's how we are stacking up against the others fiction based projects that were created in the US:

  • The highest number of first day backers (559 - next closest was 406 backers)
  • The second highest first day pledges ($23,179 - highest was $33,185)
  • Already the 33rd highest funded project
  • #1 most popular project in fiction AND all of publishing

It's doing even better than Hollow World, which I thought was a huge success. In fact we already have 77% of it's members and are running about 400% higher in contributions on a day-to-day-comparison.

I'm so very happy that we'll see "the boys" in a hard cover edition. Thanks again for the amazing support and I'll get some additional stretch goals up soon.