
Pre-order for The Death of Dulgath by Michael J. Sullivan

Created by Michael J. Sullivan

Michael J. Sullivan's unlikely heroes, Royce and Hadrian, return in a classic fantasy for both Riyria veterans and first-time readers.

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Shipping Update
about 9 years ago – Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 07:24:10 PM

Well, I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  We here at the Sullivan home did.  One of my daughter's gifts was to take all five of us to Star Wars - which was great fun. And we spent Christmas cooking, eating, and playing games.

Wanted to give everyone an update on where we are with shipping. We currently stand at:

  • 817 books shipped
  • 633 total packages

I'm concentrating on books, and if you receive your books but not your posters, mugs and t-shirts - don't worry - they will be coming. Some people will have as many as four shipments which would break down as follows:

  • Box - Books, postcards, bookmarks, book plates, key rings (and sometimes mugs)
  • Tube - Poster & maps
  • Envelope - T-shirts and bags
  • Mugs - on some rare occasions such as a few books but no other merchandise - (the boxes for the books don't have extra room for the mugs.
I still can't ship the "rare breed" version - still waiting on some stuff from the printer.  But when we do that material in I'll be shipping those out right away.

That's all for now.  Will be back to you all soon!

Shipping will resume 12/26
about 9 years ago – Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 04:47:25 PM

The house is a complete disaster.  Seriously, Michael stocked up on cold-cuts and chicken pot pies and that's what we've been living on since neither of us has time to cook. Boxes, bubble wrap, and stacks of books are EVERYWHERE.  It's quite the disaster.  We've started to refer to it as "the horder's house."'s the deal.

  • A few books are going out today.  
  • I'm going to clean up the house - and get it into some semblance of order.
  • I'm going to finish up the last few chapters of the copy editing.
  • I'm going to buy some wrapping paper - because I haven't gotten any yet 
  • I'm going to wrap the gifts for Michael and the kids
  • I'm going to prep a bunch of shipping labels for the 26th.

So, expect a big shipment going out starting the 26th, and everyday post then. I still don't know exactly how high the mountain is - but I'm going to at least take it down a few pegs a day now that the end in near with the editing.  

More updates on numbers shipped coming soon.

Oh....and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it, and a happy holiday season or those who don't.  You are all in out thoughts and we're going to do everything we can to get the physical rewards in your hands as soon as possible. In the meantime, crack open the digital copies you already have or take a listen to Tim's narration on the audio book.  

Good news, and bad news.
about 9 years ago – Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 08:41:37 PM

Hey all, Robin here. The T-shirts (or at least some of them - I've not opened all the boxes to be sure exactly what I have) have arrived.  That means the only thing I'm still waiting on are the slipcases for the Rare Breed reward level.

But...copy edits have come in for Age of Myth - The first book of Michael's new series, The Legends of the First Empire. The publisher has us on a tight turn-around time for going over these edits and so I'm going to have shift priority to it for a few days. But right after that I'll be back to working on the shipping.  I'll also try to do a bit between edits, but  I'd hate to miss a deadline with Del Rey - as it effects a whole group of production people if we miss our date.

More good news is that as soon as my son is done with finals, I'm going to pay him and some of his friends to help me with shipping. So that should significantly increase the rate at which things can go out.

I promise you, I'm working as fast as I can, and will get you your stuff just as soon as humanly possible.

Shipping status update
about 9 years ago – Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 05:19:07 PM

Still waiting on slipcases, t-shirts, and bags but book orders are going out.  Here is where we currently stand.

  • 327 packages with books have gone out
  • 408 total books in those 327 packages

I'm getting a lot of messages from people saying they never received their ebooks.  Those went out in October - and you find them in the "Digital Download" section of Backer Kit. 

If you don't know how to access your Backer Kit account, send me a message and I'll message you back with a link that will get you in.

Back to shipping!

Shipments are going out
about 9 years ago – Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 07:04:20 PM

Hey all, I don't have a count just now as far as how many packages have gone out, but it seems like a lot.  I'm definitely progressing through them as quickly as I can.  Some things you should note:

  • I'm still waiting on t-shirts and bags
  • I'm still waiting on the slipcases for the rare editions
  • I've ordered a second supply of packing materials - now that I'm learning what works best for which configuration of books.

Depending on what you ordered you may receive several packages from me.  I'm concentrating on books first and because there is such a thing as "Media Mail" (Which discounts postage when sending books, you may see one box with your books and a separate box for things like t-shirts, bags, and coffee mugs. 

  • Media mail shipments will contain books, bookmarks, postcards, and book plates. Usually I place the bookmarks/postcard between the pages - so flip through your book(s) to find them.
  • Envelopes will be used for people who just are getting bookmarks/postcards
  • Tubes will be used for posters and sometimes maps - so that will be a separate shipment.
  • I'm going to try to put all merchandise in a single box so if you have t-shrits, mugs, and bags - those will all go at once, as soon as I get the shirts/bags in.

As I do the shipments I'm putting tracking numbers in the "public" area of your Backer Kit record. If you have multiple shipments you may see something like this:

Books ID: 90934809238408
Poster ID: TBD
Shirt ID: TBD

As I ship the other packages the TBD's will be filled in.  

Well, that's it for now, time for me to get back to shipping. During my next update I'll let you know how many packages have gone out, and hopefully how many are waiting to ship.