The books are here!
about 9 years ago
– Fri, Dec 04, 2015 at 12:56:26 PM
Hey all, Robin here. Exciting update today.
So, yesterday, I was out at "the land" getting a wood stove installed (because it's really cold in the cabana without one ;-). While I was there, I also proofed the first half of the audio book - despite all the pounding and sawing going on around me and our dog, Tobi.
While I was there, 2,200 lbs of books arrived at our storage facility about a mile from our house. Not being around, poor Mike had to move them all from the loading dock to the "cube" on his own - Thanks honey! Wish I could have been there to help.
Also, I'm tracking the shipping materials (or at least the first shipment of the shipping materials. When I woke up a few hours ago they were "enroute to Stafford (about 40 miles south of here). Since then, the status has changed to "arrived in Satfford" so I'm sure they will arriving sometime today.
So here's where we stand:
- Only things I don't have are (a) the t-shirts and Montemorcey bags. But I have a delivery date of those by December 7th (b) slipcases for the rare editions (don't have a ship date yet, but I expect they should be here soon.
- Michael writes in the mornings, but I'm going to be usurping his afternoons to sign postcards, posters, and bookmarks.
- I'm going to be locking down the addresses in Backer Kit on MONDAY bright and early, so if you need changes to your address please, please do it in Backer Kit now, or send a message to us here and we'll update them for you.
- As soon as the packaging materials arrive I'm going to start boxing stuff. Then once the addresses are locked, I'll print postage labels.
- For some of you, there may be as many as three packages coming to you. (a) a tube for poster and/or maps (b) a box with just books (media mail shipping) (c) a box with merchandise (like t-shirts, coffee mugs, bags, etc). If you get one and not the others right away - don't panic. Everything will have tracking numbers and if you don't see the full set of your stuff within a few days of the first arrival, then reach out.
Things still to do:
- I have to copy edit "The Making of The Death of Dulgath" but won't be starting that until all the shipments are out.
- Likewise, the "signed" ebooks will be worked on once the shipments are out - it's a pretty time consuming process and we'll probably don only 10 - 15 a day so it might take a while but we WILL get them to you.
- I have to go over the script provided by the comic designer and get that project moving. I've just been completely swamped with ordering merchandise for the KS AND trying to proof (a) audio book of The Death of Dulgath and (b) Copy edits of Age of Myth.
- I have to write the bonus material "Riyria Revealed" but that is also behind the other things above.
- I have to compile and create the short story bonus material. I do want one of our editors to give one of the short stories a fresh look, but unfortunately Del Rey has her tied up with Age of Myth until mid-December. As soon as she is done with that, I'll give her the story to edit - but that should only take a day or so.
I'm sure there are other items I've not mentioned. I have to go through the full list and check off each one - but this is my "immediate" tick list, and once I get through it, then I'll be able to see what the next list is.
A lot to do...but I promise to work as hard as possible to get this all out to you as soon as possible. Also, I appreciate people's patience as there are 1,800+ of you and only two of us. That said, if you are trying to get something for someone as a Christmas present, send an email to [email protected] with the subject: RUSH MY ORDER and I'll try to prioritize you. I ask that people use this judiciously, in that if you really don't need a rush, allow others who have particular needs to come first.
That's all for now. Will keep you updated! And as always, thanks for the amazing support.
Getting Really Close to Shipping
about 9 years ago
– Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 10:47:24 PM
Hey all,
Robin here again. So here's an update on where we stand with everything:
- Posters - arrived!
- Postcards - arrived!
- Bookmarks - arrived!
- Maps - arrived!
- Coffee Mugs - arrived!
- T-shirts - proofs approved - in production
- Extra Riyria books - ordered, waiting on delivery
- Death of Dulgath paperbacks - in the warehouse
- Death of Dulgath hardcovers - in warehouse
- Death of Dulgath limited edition - in warehouse
- Death of Dulgath rare edition - in warehouse
- Slipcases for rare edition - still in production
I'm working on figuring out all the shipping stuff and ordering the supplies for shipping. The warehouse is about 2 hours south of here and I need to pick about 94 cases of books to fulfill the orders. One choice is to go down with a Uhaul and bring them back - but I'm also looking into shipping them. Should be here soon!
A reminder - if you've changed your address then please go into Backer Kit and update it. If you don't know how to do that - then just send me a message with the new address and I'll do it for you.
Getting exciting!
Coffee Mugs Revealed
about 9 years ago
– Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 08:19:00 PM
Screen printing can be a tricky business. Especially when you provide "vector images" so that they can scale. After several failed attempts, the printer of the coffee mugs finally got the problems with the design figured out. (It was on their end not ours). While this is just a proof approximation, I thought you might want to know what it looks like.
They should arrive on the 25th. So one more delivery on the way. In other news
- Bookmarks - being delivered today
- Maps - delivered yesterday
- Postcards - delivered yesterday
- Posters - delivered yesterday
All this stuff is going to a storage facility and I've not seen them yet, but I will be heading over there today and check everything out. Also moving in a table chair, and stealing my solar generator from the Writing Cabana so we can have light in it.
The books have still not shipped. The printer was a day later than they expected to be and the planned shipper couldn't accommodate the new date. Hoping to get this problem solved today. Will keep you updated.
Update your addresses please!
about 9 years ago
– Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 09:36:11 AM
Hey all, Robin here again. Michael and I are in New York City but will be heading home later today. We were sitting in on the recording of the audio book for The Death of Dulgath, and as expected, Tim is doing an amazing job. Today the books are leaving the printer in Wisconsin and heading toward Virginia. I'm not sure how long it will take them to get here, but they should be here soon.
Also, the coffee mugs, posters, bookmarks, post cards, printed maps, and t-shirts are in production and should be arriving within a few day - probably right around the time the books arrive. The only thing we don't have is the comic...which has been delayed because I just haven't had time to look over the script the artist has provided. No worries, though. We'll ship everything except that out and get you the comic when it is ready.
So...if your address has changed, please go into your BackerKit and update it as I suspect I'll start shipping stuff sometime next week.
Thank you all once again for your amazing support. The reviews we've seen have been incredible and it looks like you are all enjoying the reads.
Audio Drawing Winners Announced
over 9 years ago
– Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 10:43:27 AM
Hey everyone, as you may recall, I decided to give away 10 copies of the audio book (thanks to who is providing download codes). As part of your survey you were asked if you wanted to be entered or not, and there was also a sign-up form before the surveys went out. All in all there were 1,642 people who raised their hands asking to be entered. The ten winners are: Christomir Rackov,
Grant Rietze,
Matt Enberg,
Gary Anastasio,
Jon Heupel,
Jasmine Clancy,
Dwight Pickering,
Daniel Ratica,
Mike Fazio,
Isaac Dansicker. Each has been notified via email.
I'm giving the winners 10 business days to get back to me saying (a) they received the winning notification email and (b) they can use audible download codes. If I don't hear from the winners (within 10 business days) , or if they can't use the codes, I'll have another drawing for replacements.
If your name is listed above, please check your email...because the subject says "congratulations on winning...." it is possible that your spam filter is blocking the message. So if you don't find the email, just send me a message at [email protected] so I don't take you off the winner list because you didn't see the notification.
Congratulations on the winners, and I'll be doing the drawing for the other raffle: 5 copies of Rhune (what the first book of the First Empire was called before it got changed to Age of Myth) in the next few days. So there is that to look forward to.